Mr. Secretary

Exercises 2021-2022
Essays Club Year 2021-2022
Recorded Zoom Meetings
Mr. Secretary
Essays Club Year 2020-2021
Essays Club Year 2019-2020
Essays Club Year 2018-2019
Essays Club Year 2017-2018
Essays Club Year 2016-2017
Essays Club Year 2015-2016
Essays Club Year 2014-2015
Essays Club Year 2013-2014
Essays Club Year 2012-2013
Essay Club Year 2011-2012
Essays Club Year 2010-2011
Essay Club Year 2009-2010
Essay Club Year 2008-2009
Essay Club Year 2007-2008
Indiana Historical Records
In Memoriam
Club Year
Literary Clubs in the US


David G. Vanderstel, Secretary

6679 E. Pleasant Run Parkway, South Drive

Indianapolis, Indiana 46219


26 April 2022




            Another Club year is quickly coming to a close.  The next meeting of the Indianapolis Literary Club will be Monday 2 May 2022 at 8:00 p.m. via Zoom.  Essayist Morton Marcus will present his essay "The Force Second Only to Gravity."   


It's the gravity that shapes the large scale structure of the universe, even though it is the weakest of four categories of forces.

            English theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking (1942-1918)


            We are pleased to announce that the Club will gather for its Annual and Inaugural Dinner at Woodstock Club on the evening of Wednesday 11 May 2022 beginning at 6:00 pm.  This will be our first dinner since May 2019.  We will begin with a cash bar at 6:00 pm, dinner at 7:00 pm, followed by our evening program and installation of new officers.  Black tie is optional; attendance is more important.  Cost is $60We need your reservations immediately so do not hesitate.  Please contact the Treasurer or Secretary with your RSVPs


Treasurer Wiehe    317-844-1433


                        Secretary Vanderstel   812-219-6396


You may send your payment to Treasurer Wiehe at 2435 Glenhill Drive, Indianapolis 46240 or pay at the door.  A reminder that the dinner is for members and potential members only; by tradition, no spouses.  More information to follow - watch your email!


At the last meeting, Vice President Jack Cooney offered his welcoming remarks.  The Secretary then presented the slate of officers and committee members for the year 2022-2023, which was accepted by acclimation. 




President                                 John J. Cooney

First Vice President                Stephen K. Smith

Second Vice President            David A. Lips

Third Vice President               J. David Cook

Secretary                                 David G. Vanderstel

Assistant Secretary                 Michael J. Hannigan

Treasurer                                 Richard E. Wiehe

Webmaster                              John F. Sweeney

Soundmaster                           Paul K. Halvorson

Assistant Soundmaster           Randall Ayers



Foundation Trustees

Rozelle Boyd                          2020/21 - 2022/23

Joseph N. Hingtgen                2021/22 - 2023/24

Alan T. McKenzie                  2022/23 - 2024/25


On Nominations of Offices and Members

            Stephen K. Smith, Chair

                        Andrew C. Emerson

                        Richard D. Feldman

                        James A. Glass

                        Giles R. Hoyt

                        Eugene W. Lausch

                        Stephen E. Towne


On Arrangements and Exercises

            David A. Lips, Chair

                        James W. Brown

                        Fritz R. Gordner

                        L. Daniel Kirklin

                        Jack Wickes


On Rooms and Finance

            J. David Cook, Chair

                        James E. Harvey

                        J. Gerald Janzen

                        Dallas E. Mulvaney

                        Nolan J. Taylor

                        Richard C. Turner


Thanks to all who have agreed to serve the Club.


Essayist David Lips then presented his essay "Truth and Consequence," which explored the issue of "truth" and "honesty" within the context of present-day issues and debates.  A lively period of conversation followed.


            The Secretary reminds members that spaces are still available to present an essay during the next Club year when we anticipate returning to our regular venue at Park Tudor School.  Essays should be no more than 30 minutes in length and may address the topic of the essayist's choice.  Please contact the Secretary by mid-June if you wish to present and provide a "properly obscure" title and preferred month(s) for the presentation.  The schedule will be drafted later in June.


The next meeting of the Club is Monday 2 May 2022 at 8:00 p.m. via Zoom when Morton Marcus will read' "The Force Second Only to Gravity."  Of what force is the essayist speaking?  You will need to join via Zoom in order to find out. The link will be sent before the meeting. Hope to see you there!


And don't forget to call or email your RSVP for the annual dinner!!




                                                                                                The Secretary