Recorded Zoom Meetings

Exercises 2021-2022
Essays Club Year 2021-2022
Recorded Zoom Meetings
Mr. Secretary
Essays Club Year 2020-2021
Essays Club Year 2019-2020
Essays Club Year 2018-2019
Essays Club Year 2017-2018
Essays Club Year 2016-2017
Essays Club Year 2015-2016
Essays Club Year 2014-2015
Essays Club Year 2013-2014
Essays Club Year 2012-2013
Essay Club Year 2011-2012
Essays Club Year 2010-2011
Essay Club Year 2009-2010
Essay Club Year 2008-2009
Essay Club Year 2007-2008
Indiana Historical Records
In Memoriam
Club Year
Literary Clubs in the US

Title, Presenter, Date

Pageant on the Danube - George W. Geib 03/21/22

The Fathers of Success, William H. Schneider 02/07/22

Howe to Save the Lamb - John J. Cooney 01/21/22

2021 virtual Annual and Inaugural Dinner

A Golden Age, Richard D. Feldman, 05/03/21

Indianapolis Tri-Literary Evening, 04/07/21

Triumph and Tragedy..., James P. Fadely, 04/19/21

Albion, Stephen E. Towne, 04/05/21

A Smell So Die For!, Charles H. Williams, 03/15/21

An Almost Unsung Hero, Joseph N Hingtgen, 03/01/21

The Arc of a Covenant, Richard B. Gunderman, 02/16/21

A Lasting Impression, J. Gerald Janzen, 02/01/21

Changing the Nature of Things, Stephen J. Jay, 01/19/21

Two Timer, or Once is Not Enough, David A. Lips, 01/04/21