Essays 2015-2016 club year

Exercises 2021-2022
Essays Club Year 2021-2022
Recorded Zoom Meetings
Mr. Secretary
Essays Club Year 2020-2021
Essays Club Year 2019-2020
Essays Club Year 2018-2019
Essays Club Year 2017-2018
Essays Club Year 2016-2017
Essays Club Year 2015-2016
Essays Club Year 2014-2015
Essays Club Year 2013-2014
Essays Club Year 2012-2013
Essay Club Year 2011-2012
Essays Club Year 2010-2011
Essay Club Year 2009-2010
Essay Club Year 2008-2009
Essay Club Year 2007-2008
Indiana Historical Records
In Memoriam
Club Year
Literary Clubs in the US

From New York to California by Way of Indiana - William Briscoe

Him, Me and the MVFD - Randall Ayers

For the Education of Pious Indigent Young Men - David Vanderstel

Balzac - Stephen E Towne

How Cousin George Lost His Head, or Do these bloomers make my bottom look too big?-James Lingenfelter, Jr.

Cy's Thirty Three - William Wood

Legacy of Hoosier Aviation and Medical Science Visionaries-Stephen J Jay

Mens Sana in Corpore Sano in Latere et Caemento - William Selm

English as a Second Language - Raymond Gnat

Option B - John Cole Jr

"Do Unto Others..." - Stanley Huseland

An Unauthorized Junket to Dr. Will's House - Philip Coons

Willa Cather is one of Americas greatest late nineteenth and early twentieth centurys female novelists. Equipped with a brilliant mind and a sharp quill, she became a well-known commentator on both the theater and contemporary culture.